
Schedule Class.

Class Options for 1st-8th Graders Monday-Thursday and Sundays! Learn More


Now that you have your class pass, simply sign up for the classes that fit your schedule.  The flexibility may lead to attending a different number of classes each week, and that is ok!  Our classes are designed for you to jump in any time! 

Choose A Location:

  • Lewis Center
  • Dublin

Other ways to schedule

Want to Schedule for the Month?

If you would prefer to schedule more than just one session at a time, log into your account to have the recurring scheduling option.  By logging into your Mindbody Account, you can see the entire month and schedule recurring sessions for the month.  

Schedule from your Phone!

Easily manage your Just Hoops scheduling and account with the Just Hoops By Shoot-A-Way mobile app. Available for both Android and iOS, this free app provides easy access to reserve court time sessions, sign up for classes, schedule personal training, and track your career shooting statistics.