What are the two most prevalent questions players receive after a game from someone who was not in attendance? “Did you win?” “How many points did you score?” The questions we ask showcase what we value. As a result, players pick up very quickly what
Be positive Catch them doing it right. It rubs off. If you complain about them not being in the starting lineup, they will do the same. Be realistic They should be far more concerned with their current trajectory than with their current results.
Definition of pet peeve : a frequent subject of complaint It goes without saying that all coaches have pet peeves when it comes to their athletes. The last thing you want to do is violate one of their pet peeves and irritate your coach with inappropriate behavior,
In order to become a great shooter, you must become a straight shooter first. From your shooting pocket you must move the basketball along your shooting line to eliminate any rounded or wasted movements. Your shooting line consists of: 1). Lead Foot 2). Lead Hip
📝 Shooting Tips Improve ⬆️ your Lift & Pop Time ✅ Shot Ready with hands above your belly button on the flight of the pass ▪️Do your work early to decrease the amount of time between the ball hitting your hands to the release ✅
Show up everyday Control what you can control Focus on the fundamentals that will allow you to achieve your goal
Skill development requires a devotion to habits that create precision. Skill is developed through repetition and a blend of learning and reflection. The seed of every habit is a tiny, single decision. We should be engaging in reflection after a game. By reexamining what occurred
Lessons we can learn from The Mamba Mentality: How I Play PROCESS I had a constant craving, a yearning, to improve and be the best. I never needed any external forces to motivate me. Over the years, my routine might have changed some, but my
Your inner coach is someone who helps you out or breaks you down. Treat your inner coach like a traffic light: Red = Negative Thought (“I can’t do this” or “I suck”) Yellow = Wavering (“I don’t know if I can do this”) Green =
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